Friday, March 28, 2025

Ubislate 7+ tablets will be delivered by end of July

Datawind has been postponing the delivery of Ubislate 7+ tablets in the past few months. Now its promising the delivery by the end of July.

The low cost Android device got a overwhelming response from the public, which ultimately turned into really huge number of orders that the manufacturer never expected. The manufacturing is not so big to meet the huge number of orders. Its clear that DataWind never anticipated such a huge response.

We can expect Ubislate 7+ delivery in the upcoming months. Now the pre-order is open for the month of July but it is recommended that you don’t make any pre-orders until you confirm that the delivery process has been started and its fast enough.

 Also See: List of Ubislate 7+ Apps and Datawind’s Partnerships and Top 7 Reasons to buy Ubislate 7+ Android Tablet

Ubislate 7+ delivery by the end of July ( June 15 for those who paid in advance)

We managed to contact Datawind’s Support team and they replied that the company is facing technical difficulties in delivery process. From the conversation it was clear that,

* For those who have not made payments the tablet will be delivered by the end of July.

* And for those who have made payments, the tablet will the delivered in Mid June.

Status of Ubislate 7C: The Support team had no idea of Ubislate 7C, therefore its clear that Datawind has not made any steps so far, in manufacturing the Ubislate 7C tablets.

Refunds: Customer can claim for refund and Datawind will initialize refund request which will be processed by 15 days, without any deduction in amount.

How to contact Datawind Support Team

It is recommended that you make a Phone call to Datawind, its the fastest way to get a response
Toll Free Number: 1-800-180-2-180, if your call is not being answered, you can try as many times you can. The support is offered in English and Hindi. 

Call: 01832581330 during the hours of 10:00am – 10:00pm IST. Please call this number only if you have a technical issue with the device. Customer support agents at this number will not be able to assist you in any sales/order related queries.

E-Mail Support: 
Customer Care – [email protected] 
For all Cheque / Demand Draft payment enquiries – [email protected]
Contact Us Form:

Go to this link to contact through Datawind’s Website

A Friendly Request

If you have contacted Datawind’s Support, Please let us know your Conversation with Datawind. You can write your conversation in the comments section below.

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