Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Find Current Location of Trains with NTES Android App


Find current location of any train in India with the National Train Enquiry System (NTES) android app designed by Center for Railway Information Systems (CRIS). The app provides you with live information on the train’s location, any delay, trains that are scheduled to arrive a particular station and more.Install NTES Android App

Features of the NTES App

1. Spot your train

This option lets you find the current location of the train. Enter the train number or train name and touch “Show Status“. Optionally you can also select a station and date.

Spot current location of trains in India with NTES android app

2. Live Station

This option lets you know the trains that are about to arrive in a particular station in the 2 hours or 4 hours. If you are waiting for a train in the station, you can find which trains are on its ways towards your destination.

Live station information

3. Train Schedule

You can enter a train number or name to see it’s schedule

Train schedule

4. Trains between stations

This option lets you see the trains between any two stations. You can also select the type or train.

Trains between stations

5. Cancelled, Rescheduled and Diverted Trains

Apart from providing information to track the current location of the train, the app also provided you list of cancelled, rescheduled and diverted train.

Cancelled Trains Rescheduled trains Diverted Trains

Although the app does not include a map view, still, the information provided in the app is all you want. You can also use NTES website to track train location.


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