Tuesday, February 11, 2025

How to Print, Save as PDF or Export Facebook Contacts

Import Facebook Contacts to Yahoo and Save as PDF, Export, or PrintSaving all Email-addresses of your Facebook friends as a PDF document or printing them as a hard copy may be useful at times when you decide to E-mail only to those active Facebook users or when you try to make referral invitations or whatever uses you come up with.

Importing Facebook Contacts’ Email-Ids is simple if you have a Yahoo account. Once you finish import you may Export those Facebook contacts to Outlook, Thunderbird, Yahoo CSV, and vCard Files. You can also Print those imported contacts or save them as a PDF document.

Here is a complete guide to save, print and Export Facebook Contacts through Yahoo Mail

Import, Save and Print Facebook Friends’ Email –ids

1. Go to address.yahoo.com, under the option “Import your contacts from other accounts to Yahoo”  Click “Import Now

Import Facebook Contacts to Facebook, Gmail, Windows Live Hotmail
2. Now choose the account from which you wish to Import, in this case its “Facebook

Select Facebook to Import from Facebook
3. Click “Ok” to allow Facebook to share contacts with Yahoo

Allow Facebook to Share Contacts with Yahoo
4. Click “Done” Now your Facebook Contacts are Imported to Yahoo

Facebook Contacts Imported to Yahoo
5. Select “Last Import” in “View” drop down menu and Select all Contacts and click “Add it to a Category”, in this case I have named it as “Facebook Import

View Last import and Categorize to know it has been imported from Facebook


Name the Category for the Imported Contacts 

6. Now click “Tools” and select “Export” to Export the Imported Facebook contacts to any of programmes like “ Microsoft Outlook”, “Netscape/Thunderbird”, “Yahoo! CSV” and “vCard”

Export the Imported contacts

Export Facebook Contacts to Microsoft Outlook, Netscape / Thunderbird, Yahoo CSV, vCard, 

7. To Print these Imported Contacts, Click “Print” under “Tools” and select category and select either “ Detailed View” or “Basic View” and Click “Display for Printing”


Print Imported Facebook Contacts

8. Once displayed, use the browser print option ( Ctrl+P ), to Print the list or you could also save the list as “PDF” File

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