Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Automatically load Next Pages inline in Google search and other paginated web pages

Sometimes we don’t find the expected result for a specific query on the first page of Google or any other Search Engines. During which we normally click on next pages to search deeper. It is hard and non-productive to scroll down to the end of the page and click the next page or page number. Instead it should be smart enough to use some extension which is capable of giving ability to the browser to load next page inline while you reach the end of the page.Automatically-load-next-page-in-Google-Search-while-scrolling-to-the-end-of-the-page-instead-of-clicking So here is an add-on that automatically loads the next page of a site inline when you reach the end of the current page for infinite scrolling of content.


AutoPager works with a ton of sites, including Lifehacker, the New York Times, Digg, eBay, Amazon, Yahoo, YouTube, flickr, live, msn, myspace, wikipedia, ebay,taobao,Twitter and, of course, Google.

Autopager is availabe for Google Chrome, Firefox and Opera, Choose and click below links to install autopager for the browser you are using, after installation, allow automatic discovery of rules. You may also create your own rule in Autopager options for sites that are not supported by default.

           Install Autopager For Google Chrome

           Install Autopager for Firefox

           Install Autopager for Opera

Visit Homepage of the Developer

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