Saturday, October 26, 2024

How to Control PC via SMS – Play music, Start a Program, Shutdown, Restart and more

Control PC Via SMS, Shutdown, Play Music, Run Application, Get Process list and moreControl your PC via SMS, Shutdown, Restart, Log off, Lock, Start any program, Play music and do more when you are not around. Just send an SMS or write a Tweet to execute your commands.

When you forgot to shut down, you can always shutdown from anywhere by just texting the shutdown command, if your kids are playing too long you can lock the system from a remote place, you can adjust the volume of the PC, you can also add custom commands.

TweetMyPC – Download

TweetMyPC is a Simple application that acts like a bridge between your Twitter account and your computer. The app monitors your twitter stream and when it encounters a new tweet containing the command it just executes it on the PC. Since you can update your Twitter status via SMS it is therefore possible to send commands through SMS, so you can obviously control your PC via SMS. Once your command has been executed you get replies too.

Control PC via SMS and Twitter using TweetMyPC

The highlight of the application is that you can add custom commands, for instance, when you are about to reach your home you can start your favorite song on your PC by texting the command, or you can start your browser well before you reach your room, so don’t stop with the existing commands, be smart and figure out more ways to use custom commands feature. Looks awesome right!

So, here’s what you got to do

1. Download and Install TweetMyPC on your computer and add a Twitter account to TweetMyPC

2. Activate Twitter Text Messaging on your Mobile, so that you can send commands via SMS

3. Use existing commands like “shutdown”, “lock” etc., or add custom commands to gain more control

How to Activate Twitter Text Messaging

1. Login into your Twitter account, Its recommended that you create a new twitter account for TweetMyPC, because you don’t have to flood your twitter stream with commands, but again, its up to you to decide.

2. Go to Settings -> Mobile , and enter your phone number and activate Twitter text messaging by following further instructions

3. Once you SMS to the appropriate number displayed, your phone will be activated and you can use Twitter via SMS. Done.

How to Add Custom Commands in TweetMyPC

1. Right click on TweetMyPC icon in System tray and Click “Edit Settings”
2. In the TweetMyPC window click “Settings” – > “Custom Commands”
3. Add your own command and locate the file path to be executed, and click Add Command, and when finished click “Save and Hide” in main window, Done.
For example, you can add commands to open a browser, play a song, open a playlist etc.,

Add Custom commands in TweetMyPC to control PC using SMS

List of Commands Supported by TweetMyPC (Not Case Sensitive)

message  – Thanks to this command you can send a custom message to your computer, which will be shown as message-box, so you can communicate with other people sitting in front of your computer or just send a notification to yourself to read them later.

shutdown – This command will shut down your computer after showing a warning and a wait-time of one minute.

restart – restarts your computer after a warning and a one minute delay

standby – Don’t want to shutdown? Then you can make your pc go to standby mode with this command.

hibernate – This command will hibernate your computer after showing a warning and a wait-time of one minute

lock – This command locks your Windows pc – TweetMyPC will still continue running and answer to tweets

logoff – Locking the account is not what you want? Try logoff to log off your Windows-Account and close all programs

abortshutdown – You accidentally tweeted shutdown or hibernate? Don’t worry. You still can stop it by tweeting “abortshutdown” to stop it – if you are fast enough!

volinc – Increases the volume of the main speaker by 20%

voldec – Decreases the volume of the main speaker by 20%

volmute – Mutes the main speaker

volunmute – Un-mutes the main speaker

physical memory – As the name says, this command will let you know the free Physical Memory of your pc

virtual memory – Want to know the free virtual memory of your pc? Just tweet virtual memory

os – This is one of the command which does not have much value. Tweeting “os” will make TweetMyPC to tweet about your Operating System version.

ip – Know your pc’s internal and external IP-Address from anywhere in the world with this command

getprocesslist – This is one of the very useful commands. On receiving this command TweetMyPC will generate a list of running programs, along with the process ID, and email it to a predefined email address.

kill – This is used along with the above command. Once you receive the process list you can close a program using the kill command.

download – Want to download an interesting video but you are on the move? Don’t worry – just tweet download followed by the download URL and TweetMyPC will download it for you and it will be ready when you return back. Note: Twitter automatically converts long URLs into short one using TweetMyPC can download files only if the URL is in the short form for security reasons. Please use to shorten your URL before posting.

getfile – Missed an important document and you are traveling somewhere? No problem. Just tweet get followed by the file path and TweetMyPC will email the file as attachment to a predefined email. Don’t know the path? Don’t worry. Just checkout the next command.

getfilelist – This command will make TweetMyPC to send you the list of files and folders in a drive. You can use this command to email you a file once you know the complete path of the file.

wallpaper – You found a nice image and want to use set it as background at your TweetMyPC-Computer? Just use this command with the URL of the Image to set it fast and easy from anywhere!

url – This command helps a lot for example if you find a website, a document or a download-file you want to review it at your computer. Then you can just open the URL by using this command, and see it at the screen when you are back at the pc. (the url has to start with http:// or www

powerstate – This tweets the battery-state (Charging or not, if power-cable is plugged in and how long the remaining battery-running-time is)

ping – When TweetMyPC reads this, it will answer that it is running and checks for tweets – This is really helpful to see if TweetMyPC is working and if your commands will have any effect. +fun link 😉 try it!

message – Thanks to this command you can send a custom message to your computer, which will be shown as message-box, so you can communicate with other people sitting in front of your computer or just send a notification to yourself to read them later.

stopscr – This stops the screensaver

darkscreen – darkens/turns off your screen for example to save energy or to hide what the desktop shows

print – TweetMyPC will download and then print the specified file – currently just .doc, .docx or *.pdf supported

– This is the most interesting feature of TweetMyPC. You think the above list of commands is not enough? No problem! With this new release of TweetMyPC you can start any program or shell-command with parameters just by using twitter and this program! You can start any program you want by adding it in the CustomCommand-Window of TweetMyPC and then tweeting the specified name of it. But also you can just add parameters to the tweets. Thanks to this you can now for example start your torrent-client with the torrent download-url as parameter or you can open Winamp and play a webstream, local file or whatever you want.

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