Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Find who Un-friends you on Facebook

Last week you had 400 friends and now you are shocked to see only 397 and wondering who unfriended you. Unfortunately Facebook does not share this information, its against their policy. But there are quite lot of other methods to find, and here I have compiled some of them.

This is a user script, just like an add-on, extension or similar. It is availabe for all major web browsers like, Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer and Safari. It is free. Once installed it makes a new menu “Unfriends” near “Home” and in Left Sidebar of Facebook. This extension also shows the pending friend requests sent by you and still not accepted by the recipient and gives you an option to remove that connection. This is safe enough since it is installed on the browser instead of Facebook itself

                                                      1. Go to http://www.unfriendfinder.com/download
                                                      2. Click Download and Install

                                                      3. Done

Who.deleted.me, provides an E-mail alert whenever a friend unfriends you. It is free

1. Visit  the who.delete.me website,
2. Login with your Facebook account,
3. Grand permission,
4. Done

Twenty feet makes a note of all the Facebook profiles that are listed as your Facebook friends. It fetches this data every day and alerts if it finds one or more connections that have gone missing from your Facebook friends list. It is free for one Facebook and one twitter accounts

1. Visit https://www.twentyfeet.com/
2. Register
3. Allow Facebook permission
4. Done

Warning: Although using apps on Facebook account has become common, It is strongly advised to choose the apps with atmost care. If you are suspicious on any installed apps, remove them using the pencil icon adjacent to the app or just edit the settings.

Phrases: How to find who unfriended me on Facebook, How to find Facebook friends who unfriended me, Find which facebook friend unfriended you, find which friend removed you from friend list on facebook

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